Premier League 2020/2021 | Outright Winner Predictions

The Premier League 2020-2021 is about to commence! And what a year it will be! This is the time to predict a winner against the best odds. A bet you can enjoy for the entire season! In this article we discuss the main contenders and the outsiders for the title. Some of them may surprise!

The Premier League 2020-2021 is about to commence! And what a year it will be! This is the time to predict a winner against the best odds. A bet you can enjoy for the entire season! In this article we discuss the main contenders and the outsiders for the title. Some of them may surprise you, but we suspect this year the title race is going to be closer than previous years!

Premier League 2020-2021 outright winner prediction

Although it hasn’t been that long Leicester City won the title out of the blue, we are going to discard many teams in this overview. Yes, if we are wrong doing so you are free to tell us this in may that we were wrong;)

We have shortened the list to the usual suspects and one promising club that might surprise us all. So, without further ado, here are the title candidates in chronological order (the odds are improving while the list goes down).

Manchester City

Although it is close, Manchester City has the edge over Liverpool in the eyes of the bookmakers for next year’s title. And we agree. Liverpool proved post-corona lockdown and post-title that they were loosening the bow (and were beatable). Manchester City was the first to show this most strikingly to the world. City, although defeated in the Champions League (again), came out blazing from the lockdown. If they can hold this form, and maybe still even attract Messi, they will be an almost unstoppable force. 


Let’s not be early to disregard the football machine that is Liverpool and the genius coach that is Klopp. Manchester City might be an unstoppable force, Liverpool’s defense seems an unmovable object from time to time. There are rumours of key players transferring (Wijnaldum to Barcelona?), will this cause some sand in the engine at the start of the season? We do feel that Liverpool benefits a full stadium more than for instance Manchester City, as their fans are so dedicated. Maybe that is a reason why the end of the season was not in line with the rest?

Manchester United

The sleeping giant is finally waking up after so many years. Could it be Bruno Fernandes was the missing link that tied everything together for Ole? It appears to be. But just to be sure, United signed the Ajax forward midfielder Donny van de Beek as well. There is finally a team on the pitch next season instead of 11 random signings. It might be one year too soon for the title, but Manchester is certainly going to make things difficult for the other top clubs.


This is our semi-outsider pick and tip for this season. After the transfer ban lift, Chelsea has gotten some very good signings in Ziyech and Werner. Last year they already proved a young, energetic squad filled with potential under a promising coach. This year we think they might be bald enough to challenge the big boys. A problem for Lampard last year was putting up consistent results. Something typical for young teams. Can Lampard discipline his squad to focus all that abundant energy on the right things?

Tottenham Hotspur

Mourinho’s last chance to prove himself as still being relevant to modern football. Does anyone agree? Tottenham has the forward power to take on any team in the Premier League with Son, Kane and Stevie. In previous years under Pochettino it was like they didn’t believe they could be the number one. Mourhino, who thinks he is number one even when he hasn’t won a game in months, always thinks he is number one. Jokes aside, it is this winner mentality that Mourhino should bring to make Tottenham a truly European Top Club. They got the stadium, they got the coach; they now need a prize.

The outsiders: Leicester City & Arsenal

Should we value these two teams lower than the ones mentioned above? We should. Though Arsenal has an edge of Leicester in this comparison, ending last season very strong. Mikel Arteta seems to be the success coach people were hoping he would be, he just needs a bit better material to play his preferred style (and win). With Leicester, we are starting to say goodbye to a gold generation. Question is whether they can follow up.

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