Las Vegas takes the lead in Fortnite Esports!

Categorised as Esports, Themes Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Combining the best of both world, esports and betting. What other place than Vegas could combine these two?! You might think sure, the entourage of Vegas is nice, but I can perfectly bet on esports from behind my pc or on my mobile phone on Mobile Wins as well. And your right! But this time… Continue reading Las Vegas takes the lead in Fortnite Esports!

Streaming on Facebook? Youtube & Twitch are about to get some serious competition

Categorised as Esports, News Tagged , , , , , ,

A good indication of how popular a niche is becoming, is looking for big companies to adapt that niche. Even though Esports can hardly be called a niche anymore, the uprising of worldwide mainstream popularity is still relatively young. Today one of the biggest companies of worldwide mainstream culture is opening up to all developers… Continue reading Streaming on Facebook? Youtube & Twitch are about to get some serious competition

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