Match of the day: World Elite vs Top Esports

There is a big difference in the betting scene between the asian countries and Europe/USA. In the east, betting is an activity in itself. It doesn’t matter where you bet on, as long as you bet. Because betting is fun.

How esports handles the impact of the corona virus

It is to no one surprise that the bookmakers have shifted their attention from physical sports to esports. Not only bookmakers, also sport fans are desperately looking for their shot of adrenaline and serotonin from a good match! Esports on first glance seems to be the perfect suspect to satisfy our needs.

Streaming on Facebook? Youtube & Twitch are about to get some serious competition

Categorised as Esports, News Tagged , , , , , ,

A good indication of how popular a niche is becoming, is looking for big companies to adapt that niche. Even though Esports can hardly be called a niche anymore, the uprising of worldwide mainstream popularity is still relatively young. Today one of the biggest companies of worldwide mainstream culture is opening up to all developers… Continue reading Streaming on Facebook? Youtube & Twitch are about to get some serious competition

Fortnite is rising in popularity. How is Blizzard gonna react?

Categorised as Esports, Games, News Tagged , , , , , , , , ,

The king of nearly any genre has one regret: moba. Heroes of the Storm was to little to late, with League of Legends and DOTA 2 already firm in the sattle. The worst thing of all, DOTA was a mod on Blizzard’s Warcraft 3 for a long time; waiting to get picked up and to… Continue reading Fortnite is rising in popularity. How is Blizzard gonna react?

Sweet taste of revenge: Fissure Style

Categorised as Esports, Teams Tagged , , , ,

What is the best way of letting your former team know that benching you was the wrong decision? Exactly; by stomping them ruthlessly. This is exactly what Overwatch tank player Chan-Hyung ‘fissure’ Baek had in mind last weekend. Spending stage one on the bench as part of London Spitfire, he got his revenge by taking… Continue reading Sweet taste of revenge: Fissure Style

Female Players make Historic Week for Esports

Categorised as Esports, News Tagged , , , , , ,

Breaking male hegemony ; recent female success Esports is booming, but it remains a male dominated realm. Though indications of change are out there, and this week they were hard to miss out on. Only last week Kim “Geguri” Se-yeon had been signed to an Overwatch League team. Starting off as rumors, ESPN was quick to… Continue reading Female Players make Historic Week for Esports

Overwatch League has started!

Categorised as Esports, News, Themes Tagged , , , , , , ,

The brand new Overwatch League has officially kicked off. And what a start it was, featuring the classic rivalry between Dallas Fuel (formerly EnVyUs) and Seoul Dynasty (formerly Lunatic-Hai). West versus East. The League seems successful in its efforts to make Overwatch one of the top Esports and to increase professionalism in Esports. Most professional… Continue reading Overwatch League has started!

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