Boxing Day is one of those British traditions that resonates around the globe. Football fans from around the world rejoice in the fact they get to watch Premier League action the same time they’re celebrating Christmas with loved ones. Which pretty much feels like the best present they could get, without even having to ask for it!
Boxing Day 2022 | Predictions & Bonus

Categorised as Football, Premier League, Promotions, Sports, Themes Tagged Arsenal, Betting, BIG, Bridge, Brighton, Cantona, Championship, Chelsea, Citizens, Corona, England, Europa League, Everton, FA, Football, GOT, Guardiola, Kane, Klopp, Leeds, Leicester, Liverpool, Lukaku, Manchester, Manchester City, Manchester United, Masters, Mourinho, Netherlands, Norwich, Premier League, PSV, Rashford, Southampton, Spurs, United, VARDY, Wolverhampton, World Cup