Serie A 2020/2021 | Outright Winner Predictions

‘Juventus is so good, it even turned Sarri into a winner’. This quote from a journalist says a lot. Juventus won the Serie A last season, like everybody expected them to do, but by a very small margin. That is something not everybody expected. What does this mean for next season?

Juventus vs Internazionale

This might be the match of the season in the Serie A, but it is also a match that might not happen at all next weekend due to the recent Corona virus spread in Northern Italy. We have already seen games being canceled last weekend and we wouldn’t be surprised to see similar measures this…

Champions League | 2021 winner Bet

The Champions League season 2019/2020 is reaching its climax. There are still 16 teams left in the race for the title of Champions League winner 2020. We’ll discuss their odds, their chances of winning and their matchups. Predicting outright winner at this stage of the season can be very lucrative.

A close look at the European national competitions

We are reaching the end of the season. All over Europe champions are already being crowned or national competitions are reaching their climax. What are noticeable shake ups that we didn’t anticipate, what is still undecided and worth betting on and which teams are we going to see in the Champions League of 2019-2020? Last… Continue reading A close look at the European national competitions

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