This is a good time for betting on League of Legends!

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Remember a couple of years ago? You had Telecom T1 with their Messi of Lol, midlaner Faker. You had Team SoloMid with Bjergsen and G2’s Perkz. Greatness existed on midlane and whoever got out on top on that lane had a good chance of carrying their team to victory. Things have changed. There is no… Continue reading This is a good time for betting on League of Legends!

ESL Pro League Finals Preview

This week in Counter-Strike: Global Offensive features the ESL Pro League Finals. The best 12 EU and NA teams have fought their way to the live finals in Denmark. The event will take six days. The total prize pool is $750,000. You too can earn a lot of money with Mobile Wins betting. Read on… Continue reading ESL Pro League Finals Preview

CDEC Gaming betting

CDEC Gaming betting – Your Guide for Esports Source: @Wykrhm via Twitter While Esports may seem like a completely different world when compared to more traditional sports, here at Mobile Wins, we never fail to be surprised by just how similar online and offline competitions often are. This is particularly true when it comes to upsets.… Continue reading CDEC Gaming betting

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